Cliff's Model S Center Console
An Alternative for the Car-poor
No disrespect to CCI, they have created a beautifully crafted and functional console that truly matches the MS, but many of us depleted our budget for such things when we bought the Model S and don't quite see enough value to spend $869-$1158 (plus shipping and handling (and tax?))!
Here is my alternative; very functional, sleek, compact. And cheap! Perhaps not up to the Model S standards, but you hardly notice it!

Here are the parts (total cost under $40 for us Amazon Prime members):
Wire Mesh Organizer |
Coin Holder | Non-slip surface | Alternate Non-slip Surface |
A little pricey - but fits just right
glued down to the organizer
Good sticky pad, stuff doesn't move around at all - even with P85 shenanigans!
IMO, not as good as the sticky stuff
I think you can improve with a few tweaks and perhaps some better custom cutting for the non-slip pads, but you get the idea. So, now the big question: why are we having to deal with this on a car in this price range?????